Recreational Gymnastics Classes
Classes are available for children from ages 18 months to 17 years
Parent/Tot (ages 18 months to 3 years old)
This co-ed class is an introduction to basic gymnastics skills with the parent and child working together. We emphasize strength, flexibility, listening, following direction and socializing. This is a great experience for both parent and child. The 45 minute class is held once a week for 3 months.
Mini-Squirt Program (ages 3-5)
This co-ed class provides a quality beginning gymnastics experience that is structured but not rigid. Students can direct their physical energy while learning basic gymnastics skills through all events. The 45 minute class is held once or twice a week.
Girls Mini-Gym Levels 1-5 (ages 5-14)
These classes are the core classes in our Recreational Gymnastics program. They offer quality instruction from beginning through advanced gymnastics skills. Students work out on all apparatus throughout the month. The gymnasts progress is continually evaluated and gymnasts are advanced per personal progression. Classes are held once or twice a week.
Tumbling Classes
This co-ed class emphasizes strong tumbling skills and cheerleading skills. The Spring floor and Tumbling Trampoline are used to improve each student’s skills.
Gymnastics performances are scheduled throughout the year so that all the Recreational Gymnasts get a chance to show off what they are learning. Watch the events page for upcoming performances.
Competitive Girls Gymnastics Teams
Bare Foot offers girls Junior Olympic competitive teams. We offer both Compulsory and Optional teams USAG levels 3 – 10. Participation on the Bare Foot Gymnastics Teams is by invitation